Friday, June 12, 2009

LGBT New Yorkers: You responded and you were counted!

Some of the report’s findings include:

For something as fundamental as receiving basic health care, 40% of respondents say that there are not enough health professionals who are adequately trained and competent to deliver healthcare to LGBT people, and LGB people lack health insurance at rates higher than heterosexual people (20.6% for lesbian and gay and 23.5% for bisexual versus only 14.9% for heterosexual people).

14% of LGBT people, and one-third of transgender New Yorkers, are or have been homeless at one time.

13% of LGBT New Yorkers have been victims of a homophobic or transphobic sexual or physical assault severe enough to require medical care. The rate is even higher for people of color: 19% for Black New Yorkers and 20% for Latino.

Social isolation is a significant problem for LGBT people, with two-thirds of rural LGBT residents saying they feel isolated from others, and over half of LGBT seniors saying they sometimes or always lack companionship.

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